June 17, 2013

Michael Petruccelli asks; Who generates the forecasting for the hurricane season?

Michael Petruccelli says; In advance of, and during, each hurricane season, several forecasts of hurricane activity are issued by national meteorological services, scientific agencies, and noted hurricane experts. These include forecasters from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National Hurricane and Climate Prediction Center’s, Philip J. Klotzbach, William M. Gray and their associates at Colorado State University (CSU), Tropical Storm Risk, and the United Kingdom's Met’s Office.

Michael Petruccelli asks; What are some things you should know about this hurricane season so far?

Michael Petruccelli says;  The dates conventionally delimit the period of each year when most tropical cyclones form in the Atlantic basin. The first system, Andrea, developed on June 5, made landfall along the Florida Big Bend on June 6, and became a post-tropical cyclone on June 7 while in North Carolina after merging with a cold front.

Michael Petruccelli asks; When is hurricane season?

Michael Petruccelli says;  According to Wikipedia…

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season is an event in the annual cycle of tropical cyclone formation. The season officially started on June 1 and will end on November 30. So, right now for those of us here in Florida, we should already be getting your hurricane preparedness supplies together.  We will cover this topic in my next blog.

June 8, 2013

Michael Petruccelli asks; What are some things you should know if, it been a while since you last bought or sold a home? (12)

Michael Petruccelli says; What will a termite inspection entail? This inspection will look for all wood-boring insects such as termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, powder post beetles and old house borers. Many leading institutions require this inspection for the buyer’s closing. An inspector, certified or licensed as per state requirements will inspect for termites and other wood-destroying insects. Termites certifications are often requested of FHA/VA mortgages.

Michael Petruccelli asks; What are some things you should know if, it been a while since you last bought or sold a home? (11)

Michael Petruccelli says;  How do they conduct a radon test? The common testing method for real estate transactions is the placement of an electronic monitor in a specific area of the home where it will remain for a minimum of 48 hours and a maximum of 6 days. The test unit must remain undisturbed and cannot be touched or moved- but it is not harmful to humans or pets, so don’t worry! Your real estate agent can explain any special procedures that need to be followed while the test is in process.

Michael Petruccelli asks; What are some things you should know if, it been a while since you last bought or sold a home? (10)

Michael Petruccelli says;  What is radon testing?

Radon is a tasteless, odorless, and invisible natural radioactive gas formed by decaying uranium in the earth’s soil. Radon moves up through the ground and enters a building by seeping through cracks, etc. and then becomes trapped in the home. Research has linked radon gas with lung cancer, so the Surgeon General and EPA recommend homes be tested to make sure radon levels are with in a safe range.