Michael Petruccelli says; Storm Names
The following names will be used for named storms that form in the North
Atlantic in 2013. Retired names, if any, will be announced by the World
Meteorological Organization in the spring of 2014. The names not retired from
this list will be used again in the 2019 season. This is the same list used in
the 2007 season, except for Dorian, Fernand, and Nestor which replaced Dean,
Felix, and Noel respectively.
- Andrea
- Barry
- Chantal (currently active)
- Dorian (unused)
- Erin (unused)
- Fernand (unused)
- Gabrielle (unused)
- Humberto (unused)
- Ingrid (unused)
- Jerry (unused)
- Karen (unused)
- Lorenzo (unused)
- Melissa (unused)
- Nestor (unused)
- Olga (unused)
- Pablo (unused)
- Rebekah (unused)
- Sebastien (unused)
- Tanya (unused)
- Van (unused)
- Wendy (unused)