December 28, 2013

Michael Petruccelli asks: What are some ideas to help me save for a down payment? (3)

Michael Petruccelli says:  Watch Your Water Usage at Home and Save $550. Ninety percent of what I spend on my utility bills goes towards warming the water in my water heater. By switching to cold-water washes, plus taking shorter showers, I can save about $150 a year on energy costs. Add to that replacing leaky faucets and upgrading to low-flow showerheads and toilets—that will add another $400 in annual savings. Check to see if your Utility Company has a refund program for changing out your old toilets to new low flow ones. Some cities Utility companies also have “Water Saver Kits”. My city does and it contained a low flow shower head, a bathroom low flow faucet aerator and one for the kitchen faucet. It also had leak detection tablets to put in your toilet tank to see if you have any leaks or a toilet that runs constantly. It also contained a toilet tank bank; a bladder to fill with water to take up space in the tank, it hangs on the inside side of the tank so that you use less water with each flush. The greatest thing about this is the kit was free from my city utility company, and I’m saving water and money.