July 26, 2013

Michael Petruccelli asks; When is it time to decide if you are staying or evacuating?

Michael Petruccelli says; Now that you has assessed if you are in an evacuation zone or not, it is time to make a plan. After the tropical storm is being tracked and may become a hurricane, it is time to decide and make a plan.
If you have to evacuate, find out now where you will be going should an order be issued.
If you don’t have to evacuate, prepare shutters to protect your windows and brace your entry doors and garage door. Hurricanes are not only a concern for those whose homes are in the path of one, but for relatives and friends who may worry about those people. Preparedness is not just essential for dealing with the physical challenges of hurricane season, but having a plan will help you and your loved ones keep their peace of mind during this stressful time.